Why is it important to get a series of colonics within a short period of time?
Colonics is a journey and not intended as a one time treatment.
Decades of abusive, harmful, eating and lifestyle habits, cannot be reversed in one 40 minute colonic treatment. As a society, we have become accustomed to taking pills to alleviate aches and pains, or applying heavily medicated ointments to make symptoms of skin irritation disappear. Nothing in nature however simply vanishes. True healing – unlike suppression – takes time, discipline, and patience.
Keeping the colon clean, strong, and healthy, is something that is every individuals personal responsibility, and is something to strive to maintain every single day. Incorporating colonic irrigation as a part of ones lifestyle is an important part of maintaing this good health and hygiene – and is a continuous process. To do this, it is advisable to have a minimum of 6 colonics treatments done close together twice yearly, as a detoxification protocol. Once this series has been completed, a minimum of one monthly colonic session is suggested as maintenance. For those suffering from disease conditions, more colon hydrotherapy treatments may be needed to help the body heal and repair. Over time, colonics will also support the toning and the strengthening of the colon wall. The water flowing into the colon actually provides a sort of resistance for the muscles in the colon, an action that is akin to lifting weights. This supports peristalsis and the timely evacuation of waste, essential for all individuals, especially those suffering from constipation.
Once again, health comes in stages and not overnight. Colonics are a worthwhile journey that has many lasting benefits. It is a treatment where the results are best seen over time, and is used not only to support the cleansing process, but for the maintenance of good health, beauty and vitality.