Greensborough is a neighborhood located near Markham, Ontario. Having been established in 1975, this residential community offers many desirable amenities such as a nearby public school, library and shopping plaza. Additionally, several parks are strategically situated around the area to make sure that families have access to green spaces for recreational activities. With its affordable housing prices and prime location close to Poyntz Street and Seneca College, Greensborough has become an attractive option for young adults and growing families alike. Residents of this neighborhood can look forward to a vibrant sense of community and beautiful streetscapes lined with maple trees.
Greensborough has a population of 9100 people largely consisting of young couples and families, with the median age at 38 years old. Thirty five percent of residents are between 25 and 44, while twenty three percent fall between 45 and 64. Immigrants comprise 43% of residents, including English (15%), Chinese (13%), Korean (4%) and Persian (2%) as the top four languages spoken. Further, 66% hold a university degree or higher making it an educated community. Furthermore, Crownridge Heights Residence has identified that 79% of households earn an income above $90,000 annually indicating Greensborough is an inviting neighborhood for many affluent families looking to settle in Markham.
Greensborough is a sought after neighborhood thanks to its excellent education system. The neighborhood boasts an array of public and private schools that are recognized for their high standards. Greensborough’s elementary schools offer an excellent foundation for any student’s overall development and knowledge. The central secondary school for the area is one of the best in the region and offers an Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Program that focuses on preparing teenagers for post-secondary education. Beyond being orderly and well-funded, these schools emphasize open communication between students, teachers, and parents which helps create a positive learning environment where students have the opportunity to grow academically and personally.
Greensborough is a great neighborhood that has become known for its natural beauty, some exciting attractions, and great restaurants. To start, the sights are unparalleled! A nature preserve boasts several kilometers of walking trails and sublime views from atop the Rainbow Bridge over the Rouge River Valley. Visitors can also explore parks like Greensborough Park or hike up nearby Blacksmith Hill for tremendous panoramic views of Maple Leaf Country. Another popular activity is checking out heritage sites like historic Main Street Unionville or searching for hidden gems among the charming boutiques and stores in the area.
Overall, Greensborough is a vibrant and attractive neighborhood. It offers plenty of housing options and its proximity to public transportation makes it easy for its residents to travel around the city. The range of recreational facilities provide locals with year-round entertainment and the various dining options give them plenty of delicious food to choose from. Greensborough also boasts a rich cultural background with diverse populations and many local attractions for exploring. All these features make Greensborough one of Markham’s most desirable neighborhoods to live in.
Furthermore, if you are looking for an exciting, vibrant neighborhood, then Downtown Markham is the place to be. This area is full of energy – from excellent dining and shopping experiences to numerous cultural attractions. If you like parks and cultural events, there are plenty of those too; Don River Park and Old Town Hall offer many recreational opportunities, while Pacific Mall and Angus Glen Golf Club keep visitors entertained.