General Category May 11, 2015 What is Healing Crisis ? Are You Going through a Healing Crisis? If you’ve recently begun a natural healing process… Annie
General Category April 14, 2015 Supplements packing list when Travelling It’s reported that over 30% of people experience constipation or get ill (eg. the common… Annie
General Category February 5, 2015 Top 8 foods that do wonders for Constipation & Digestion Top 8 foods to your diet Unfortunately we live in the nation that’s full of… Annie
General Category November 25, 2014 Stool Indicators during Colon Hydrotherapy “Everyone poops”. But what does that mean from a health perspective? You should be mindful… Annie
General Category November 18, 2014 Colon Hydrotherapy for Acne Acne (also called acne vulgaris) is a skin condition caused by changes in the hair… Annie
General Category October 17, 2014 Colon Hydrotherapy: Alternative Preparation for Colonoscopies Colon hydrotherapy offers a more tolerable and convenient alternative for many people A thorough exam… Angel Hydro Therapy
General Category October 17, 2014 What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS )? What is IBS and How Colonics can Help If you are experiencing a varied range… Angel Hydro Therapy